Lana's comment on the Good Friday service in 2013

A comment from a church member on the Good Friday service in 2013.

I was absolutely moved to silence by today's service.In all my 66 years on this earth that was the finest Good Friday service I have ever experienced.

Ha Na: your choice of words in message and prayer show so much depth and sensitivity. Every service we see  more and more  the purity and clarity of your faith. We see also your perception and compassion. You have many gifts as a minister and you are going to bless many people over the years .Right now you are really speaking to our hearts, to our pain, to our need for comfort and reassurance of hope. You have pored yourself into your messages to us last Sunday, Maundy Thurs and today. Bless you for that.

N: the music was so perfect in every way today. The choices were brilliant and fit seamlessly with the spoken word. Your tender playing spoke a lot about how you express your spirituality. We are so blessed by your gifts and commitment.

N: what a tenderly crafted service!  What a team you and Ha Na and N make. Very powerful and spirit led. It also made such a difference to have you and N as readers. You are both blessed with strong, clear voices but as well you read the words from your hearts.

Words are really not enough to express the full range of feelings I had and have about this service. It is the most significant service of the year and you all elevated it to such a high spiritual level. It touched us deeply in our souls.

Thanks you seems inadequate but here is my humble thanks anyway.

