Prayers of the People - Easter Sunday in 2013.

Prayers of the People
O God, we have come to this sanctuary like the women who came to the tomb that first Easter morning, with heavy hearts. We opened the window of today's morning - looking up at the cloudless sky which casted off a brilliant blue - so clean, so pure, like the tears welling up in our eyes and prayers from the deepest of our hearts. Until we took a step into your house, we were still living the Holy Saturday. We did not know how to free our butterflies - the butterflies of Allelujah. We were still cocooned in deep sorrow. But we are glad that we give thanks to you now, O God, as, through this worship, sharing a meal together, through hearing Rev. Fran Darling's last words for us - the Easter message - , you put us a new spirit, a new word, a new courage to act to free the butterflies, to paint the colours of rainbow of hope, here and also as we go out to the world. 
In Isaiah you say, 'be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating; for I am about to create Jerusalem as a joy, and its people as a delight.' Let us join in the gladness of the Risen Christ who is the resurrection and life; therefore we do not be afraid. O Lord, be our strength and our power, the power of life, the power of love; Let us shout like the Psalmist today, "we shall not die; but we shall live"; O God, open to us the gates of the righteousness, that we may enter through them and give thanks to you;
Let us sing and give praises to you as long as we live on this earth, to the end of our lives; let us confess that all the days we have lived on this earth and will live are what you have made for us; 
We trust that in life, in death, in life beyond death - not just beyond death; but through Life Everlasting, You are with us. We are not alone; for we live in your world.
Please welcome Rev. Duncan Barwise as he will lead us in prayer...
At the tomb on that first Easter morning, the women's weeping and sorrow turned to an immense joy. 
Let your butterfly – a butterfly of Allelujah – soar and rise up, seek life which has no limit. Let us praise in Allelujah Life Everlasting now and forever.
This is one of Fran's favourites. May this Celtic benediction be a blessing prayer for us all as we leave this place, going out to the world. 

Deep peace of the running waves to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
May deep peace of the Son of Peace greet you all now and forever. Amen.
Go in peace.
