Children’s Time: God is So Big…
(Inspired from the children's sermon from On the Chancel Steps.)
Good morning!
This morning, I have brought some things
we can find around us.
I hope they can help us to understand
what we are celebrating today at church.
Let’s start with lighting three candles.
All right. The next is a triangle ruler.
What else have we got?
A 3 leaf clover…
A musical triangle!
And, wait a minute, what am I sitting on? A tricycle!
What do you think these things have in common…?
(Children will answer, “Three!?”)
In our church calendar, today is called Trinity Sunday. Trinity means three in one, and one in three. What we celebrate today is that God loves us, with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. Trinity is a big word and a mystery of God which even adults find hard to understand.
But a few small things around us may help us to understand God’s love in the Trinity.
Look at this three leaf clover; Each leaf of the clover is a leaf, and only bound together are they a clover.
Would anyone like to play this musical triangle for us?
Like a triangle has three sides and makes one sound,
(pointing at each corner)
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one, and God, with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, makes one wonderful sound of love for us.
Can any of you tell me your full name? (Receive answers…)
Hmm…I wonder what’s God’s full name may be….?
It’s like God has been using God’s full, long name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God loves to be called by this full name. And also God loves more!
When a girl who holds a bouquet of wild flowers calls God Giver of Life, God loves that name.
When a tired soldier who has seen the terrible cost of war calls God Peace, God is with him.
When a mother holding her baby in her arms calls God, “Mother”, God loves that name, too.
Creator, Giver of Life, Father, Mother, Friend, My Rock, all of these can be God’s names.
I wonder why God loves to be called by so many names? (Receive answers and affirm them.)
God is big…God is so big…
No one has ever understood God fully. There is always something else we can learn about God.
When you see God, what would you like to call God?
Will you pray with me?
Dear God,
Today we rejoice
That you are so big…
Today we rejoice
That you have so many names we can call you.
Thank you
For being so big
That you have enough love for us all,
with Jesus, through Holy Spirit. Amen.
My son(7)'s response while he was listening to this story:
Me: "God is big..."
My son: "I always thought whole earth is God's tummy. Whole space is God's body.
Stars are the Spirit and the end of the world is the face of God.
God is big, because God loves everything.
God is in everything.
God is in everything.
We are living in God.
God created everything, and created himself.
Nobody can create God.
It's was a long time ago when nothing was alive on earth
except God. Maybe there was the Holy Spirit."
except God. Maybe there was the Holy Spirit."
"Sometimes I call him Spirit, Joy, Peace....Holy Spirit...
Mom, did I miss anything..?"
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