Marriage Sermon & Benediction (June 1, 2013)

(Song of Solomon 2:10-13)

I wonder whether some of us here may have wondered why they would like to be married now, after 20 years together? It’s like the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” - but just because something isn’t broken, doesn’t mean you can’t take something good and make it even better.

Last Wednesday, while I was sitting at my kitchen table writing this message for Denny and Laura, I turned my face from the computer screen and looked outside. It was a rainy day, and the rain was really coming down, soaking the land, making puddles and little streams everywhere. The trees, the grass and the moss were a vivid green. The light gray cloud was moving swiftly. The simple, modest old houses were adding a few more tints of red and yellow and blue to the scene. It was a joy to see it all, a simple joy. It reminded me of the daily blessings and beauty we often take for granted in our lives, which may have their own rain-soaked times but are still glorious and hopeful, steeped in love and dear memories kept and shared between those who love each other. Today is special to us all, as we celebrate two things: Denny and Laura’s holy union in the covenant of marriage and their loving, daily, ordinary and extraordinary relationship. We celebrate the humble and awesome blessings they have shared through the past 20 years, with their beloved family and their community. Denny and Laura’s wedding is today, but their gift of love has been with us for a long time.
God the Creator is the Great Love, the being who sent each atom into motion, who designed us to have hearts that feel and love and beat away within our chests – the same heartbeat which a pair of gazelles would also feel in themselves when they run for love and freedom together.  In today’s reading, the Song of Songs, a gazelle calls to another; “Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land. The fig tree and the vine and the flowers give forth fragrance. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.”

Dear Denny and Laura, God gives a blessing to you in this sacred moment because your hearts beat as one and you rise for one another in love. Love is where we find our truest inspiration and our truest rest; it is a miraculous power which always pulls us onward towards a greater hope.

Dear children and family of Denny and Laura, may you continue to be blessed by Denny and Laura as their relationship grows in commitment, faithfulness, and love. May you be bound together as one blessed family by God’s promise and blessings given to you today and in the future. And Happy Birthday, _N_. Next year, on this day, June 1, you will know how much your parents love you and all your brothers and sisters, when all of you together as a family celebrate your parent’s first wedding anniversary. I am sure that Riley, Lucas, and the coming new nephew will add more joy to you; Thank God for the big, blessed family you have!

Dear friends, God’s love is never separated from us either in the rain or in the sunshine - we are blessed under all circumstances. God’s glorious light beams and enlightens us with wisdom and strength, today and forever, for Denny and Laura and all of you as family and friends. Amen.   

Go forth in the love of God;
Knowing that God is with you.
And the blessing of God,
Creator, Christ, and Spirit,
Be with you, and remain with you always.

May the God of rain and roses, and of every creation
on this blessed earth and land
bless this day and your lives
with wonder, joy, love and beauty. Amen.
