Call to Worship
It is a wonderful thing when members of the family live together in love and peace.
God promises to us that we shall be like trees planted
beside flowing rivers.
May our church family be one in love,
Just as Christ and God are one,
That Christ may be glorified in us.
The loving grace, compassion, and peace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.
The loving grace, compassion, and peace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.
Opening Prayer (adapted from Bruce Prewer's original prayer)
Loving God, you are the ground of our being and the river
of life;
You steady our roots and draw them to seek the living waters.
You, like the Sunlight, entice us taller.
You, like the breeze, rustle our leaves.
You are with us through the hard seasons – of summer heat
and of winter’s frost.
You are everything to us.
Let our gratitude be great.
Let our praise be plentiful.
Let our worship be wonder-full,
through Jesus Christ, your ever living Child. Amen.
Jesus says, “I am the root and the bright morning star.” (Revelation 22)
dances wherever we may be. (VU 352)
May the light of the morning star shine within you and lead you through this week and evermore. Amen.
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