Prayers: Green Hallelujah/Compassion/Communion (Aug 4, 2013)

Call to Worship

The summer greens are growing!
The jungle of green of the tomato trees!
The grapevines, full and fruiting on our trellises!

May our prayers and praises this morning
Spring up, greening our hearts for the soul’s summer harvest.   

Let us rise like a refreshing summer breeze
Sharing reviving green hope!

Green Hallelujah! Amen!
Prayer of the Day: Compassion
(inspired by Henry Nouwen)

Compassion asks us to go where it hurts.
To enter into the places of pain,
To share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish.
Compassion asks us to cry out with those in misery,
To mourn with those who are lonely,
To weep with those who are in tears.
Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak,
Vulnerable with the vulnerable,
And powerless with the powerless.
We pray to live a compassionate life,
Being fully immersed in the way of God
To be truly who we are meant to be in love;
To walk the path that Jesus walked,
With the same heart and footsteps. Amen.


L: God loves us; God has sent Jesus to us.
P: Jesus’ life enlightens us with the truth that the strength to love bears hope and life.
L: God calls us to Christ’s table and nurtures us with new spirit.
  Let us sing and walk the Gospel’s path to draw the circle of love wider, deeper and higher.

Great Thanksgiving
L: May God’s transforming love be with us.
P: And also with our neighbours and the whole people of God on the earth.
L: We open our hearts.
P: We open our joyful hearts to the Lord and to one another. Amen.
L: We stand in the presence of God and one another as thankful people.
Let us lift our voices in singing with men and women throughout the ages,

Remembering Jesus at Table

As we gather at this table, let us remember together our
sacred story;

We remember that on the night before Jesus died,

He had supper with his friends.

He took a loaf of bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said:

“Take, eat. This is my body, given for you.

Each time you do this, remember me.”

In the same way, he passed the cup after supper saying:

“This cup is the promise of God, made in my blood.

Each time you drink from this cup, remember me.”

Remembering the Community

L: On this table of the great sharing of God’s love,
In bread and in juice,
We remember these names in our community;

Those who are in ICU now, and their anxious families.
Those who suffer from mental illness and their struggling families.
Those who has lost their children or family members, especially in car accidents.
Those who live in health care centers.
Those who experience depression.
All this we ask in Jesus’ name. And following Jesus, we call you, abba, O God, and we pray,
Our Father, in Heaven, Hallowed…


L: Whenever we eat or drink, whatever we do,
Let us do these things to give glory to God.
P: We will not seek our own self-interest
But live a life of compassion and sharing with our neighbours near and far.

Christ has died.
Christ has risen.
Christ lives in our lives, this moment and every day,
Breathing into us new life.

Prayer after Communion
(inspired by the Gospel of the God of Life, the Celtic vision.)

Wherever you travel,
Near or Far,
Hill or headland,
Down or up,
Ocean or narrow stream,
May the God of life shepherd you
May the love of Christ enfold you on every side

May the communion of the Holy Spirit befriend you and strengthen you.  
