Re: Communion

Re: Communion

Invitation (by the leader)

God loves us; God invites us to the feast of love so that we all may be nourished and grow in love. Let us release our burdens about our past wrongdoings, guilt, feelings of unworthiness, or negative experiences with a church that tries, but fails, to reflect God’s perfect love. God is love; God’s love is unconditional. God’s love restores us – it does not judge us.
In this feast, this communion, we celebrate the triumph of the way of Christ which is love, compassion, dignity, gratitude and reverence for life. And we also remember Jesus’ suffering – the cost of living love in this world. In this feast, we celebrate that Jesus’ life empowers us to be courageous in our hope and in our strength to love. Communion is a simple feast, consisting of bread and juice, but when these things are shared, with wonder and gratitude, we experience abundance and deeper fellowship in the spirit of love and sharing.  
Everyone is welcome to break the bread together, to remember the life of Jesus and his love poured out for us, and to be one body in God's great love.

Great Thanksgiving
L: May God’s transforming love be with us.
P: And also with our neighbours and the whole people of God throughout the earth.
L: We open our hearts.
P: We open our joyful hearts to the Lord and to one another, and stand in the presence of God and one another as thankful people.
L: Let us lift our voices in singing with men and women throughout the ages
our song of faith, with the hope that we draw the circle of love wider, deeper and higher.
More Voices #

Remembering Jesus at Table
As we gather at this table, let us remember together our sacred story.
We remember that on the night before Jesus died,
He had supper with his friends.
He took a loaf of bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said:
“Take, eat. This is my body, given for you.
Each time you do this, remember me.”
In the same way, he passed the cup after supper saying:
“This cup is the promise of God, made in my blood.
Each time you drink from this cup, remember me.”
Remembering the Community (by the leader)
On this table of the great sharing of God’s love,
Where bread is broken and juice is poured out,  
We also remember those who suffer in our midst, in our community, and in our world.
All who are in sorrow or in pain, all who are ill or alone,
All who live with fear, oppression or hunger,
All whom the world counts as last and least…
For the nations as they strive for peace and justice…
For the earth, and the fragile web of life we share …
For our families and friends…

(intercessory prayers may be added, such as)
Those who are in the ICU now, and their anxious families.
Those who suffer from mental illness and their struggling families.
Those who have lost their children or family members, especially in car accidents.
Those who live in health care centers.
Those who experience depression.

Held in Christ’s love, may we love as Christ loved.  
Knowing our own weakness, may we stand with all who stumble.
Sharing in Christ’s suffering, may we remember all who suffer.
Seeking Christ’s guidance, may we help restore their lives and their broken communities.

We gather these and all our prayers,
Thankful that we may turn to you, as  
Our Father, who art in Heaven….
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

L: Whenever we eat or drink, whatever we do,
Let us do these things to give glory to God.
P: We will not seek our own self-interest
But live a life of compassion and sharing with our neighbours near and far.

Christ has died.
Christ has risen.
Christ lives in our lives, this moment and every day,
Breathing into us new life.

Holy God, assured of your love for us and for all of your creation
We beg for your Spirit.
Enliven this bread. Awaken this body.
Pour us out for each other. Transfigure our minds.
Ignite your church with passionate spirit.
Nourish the life of the earth.
Make us, while many, united,
Make us, though broken, whole,
Make us, despite the fear of death, fully alive.

The bread that we break
is our sharing in the life of Christ.
The cup for which we give thanks
is our sharing in the life of Christ.

Bread for journey (Bread of life)
Cup of blessing (Cup of saving love)

Let us come and share the gifts of God for the people of God.
Come, for all things are now ready.

Prayer after Communion
