Marriage Sermon (Aug 10, 2013)

Scripture Readings (for the reading)
          Matthew 5:3-9 – The eight blessings
          Romans 8:38-39 – God’s indestructible love
Contemporary reading (in the bulletin)
          Maya Angelou’s poem: In and Out of Time

In the depths of a loving relationship we experience our soul’s metamorphosis into something splendid and unforeseen; truly, loving is a journey into allowing oneself to be transformed and re-created, moving forward to explore and experience “new freedom”. N and N are ready to take the journey towards a world which they will create together with their shared visions, hopes and dreams. They are two, independent individuals, and at the same time, blessed and united in this sacred covenant, they will grow like a single tree that stretches and reaches its arms to the heaven.

Loving is truly a journey because it makes us be who we really are, without artifice or pretence. Love requires each person to respect and protect one another’s “solitude” and unique self. In this trusting, faithful journey, marriage is a door; it will not lock the beloveds away but open a whole new space for them - a place of blessed meetings: an encounter with one’s true self, an encounter with each other’s true gifts and an encounter with the God who will shower you with blessings and challenges.

N and N, in your journey of loving, dreaming, hoping and rejoicing,  please remember that, in good times and bad, whether you are dancing or walking, the heart of God is beating within each of you and between you.

As Maya Angelou’s poem sings, in time and out of time, “When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun and the first tree struggled up from the forest floor” God had always loved you both with God’s indestructible love.

As Paul says in his letter to the Romans: “Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation” will be able to separate you … and us from God’s indestructible, predestined, transforming love. 

N and N, may God’s brilliant shining joy be within you on this special and sacred day and every day forthwith. Walk forward to your new freedom and be a blessing to the world.   


May the God of sunshine and rain, the blue sky and the endless ocean, and of every creation
On this blessed earth and land
Bless this day and your lives
With wonder, joy, love and beauty. Amen.
