My birthday!

From Min Goo'(my husband)s facebook
the picture taken tonight, celebrating my birthday with my family
Look at the orange candles! 

So blessed. For no reason, it's weird but I have never really celebrated my birthday in my life. The fist and the last was my first birthday. When my mother encouraged me to invite my friends and have a big birthday party when I was in fourth grade, I remember I hesitated. I reluctantly invited just four or five friends from the same apartment unit. Tonight it was really my first time that I truly celebrated my birthday with my family, reading Psalm 139 - the psalm reading of this week - with Min Goo, sitting together on the couch: "I praise you, for I am fearfully, wonderfully made. Wondrous are your works; that I know very well." The time was really lovely, celebratory and meaningful. It even had a small covenanting piece, I think. It even goes really well with my sermon for tomorrow! When you click the first picture - you can see Jah-bi's small hands - waiting for the sign from his parents, "now you can lift your fork."
