Hope verses Pessimism, Cynicism, and Sadism
p. 18.
The late Erich Fromm once wrote, "Those whose hope is weak settle for comfort or for violence."
The comfort of consumerism and the violence of militarism which dominate our times would suggest that we are a people with little or no hope. Have we lost or are we rapidly losing hope? One reason for this pessimism that leads to cynicism and lack of caring is a fall/redemption religious paradigm that begins its theology with original sin. With this doctrine as a starting point, one is old before one comes into the world. To teach original sin and never to teach original blessing creates pessimism and cynicism.
The creation-centered tradition is not optimistic; it is too much in touch with the pain and tragedy of existence for that. But it is hopeful, and it is cosmically passionate about the blessing that life is. Julian of Norwich calls those who dwell on sinfulness "foolish." This creation-centered mystic actually invented the word 'enjoy' in the English language. Joy beyond measure is part of everyone's potential experience. It is part of recovering an erotic God who plays, takes pleasure, births, celebrates, and feels passion. Eros and hope are part of the blessings of existence.
p. 18.
The late Erich Fromm once wrote, "Those whose hope is weak settle for comfort or for violence."
The comfort of consumerism and the violence of militarism which dominate our times would suggest that we are a people with little or no hope. Have we lost or are we rapidly losing hope? One reason for this pessimism that leads to cynicism and lack of caring is a fall/redemption religious paradigm that begins its theology with original sin. With this doctrine as a starting point, one is old before one comes into the world. To teach original sin and never to teach original blessing creates pessimism and cynicism.
The creation-centered tradition is not optimistic; it is too much in touch with the pain and tragedy of existence for that. But it is hopeful, and it is cosmically passionate about the blessing that life is. Julian of Norwich calls those who dwell on sinfulness "foolish." This creation-centered mystic actually invented the word 'enjoy' in the English language. Joy beyond measure is part of everyone's potential experience. It is part of recovering an erotic God who plays, takes pleasure, births, celebrates, and feels passion. Eros and hope are part of the blessings of existence.
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