Prayers: Call to Gather & Opening Prayer/ Prayer of Confession (Sep 22, 2013)

Opening Prayer

Encircled by the love of God, we gather here,

as people seeking wisdom.

We find you in the eyes of one another, O God,

And search for your word, the Living Bread that sustains us as we journey.

This is a table of wisdom

This is a call to break and share the bread you give us

This is a pregnant moment, imbued with the holy.

Holy Spirit, lead us all with a spirit of wisdom. Amen.


Prayer of Confession (Source: Gathering, United Church worship resource)

Sometimes it feels like

We’re in the middle of a whirlwind, God.

We don’t know if we’re coming or going.

In the stops and starts of our everyday living

Help us to find a place of peacefulness,

A place of calmness, a place where we are whole.

In this place, help us to know
that you are with your Creation, always.

In Christ’s name we ask it. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Restoring Love (source: myself)

When we pause to listen to God,

When we let ourselves ‘simply be’, immersed in the refulgent moment of quietness and peacefulness, we touch and enter the holy ground where God is, where our potential for wholeness fills us with warmth, and we feel safety and peace in God’s merciful care and love. In God’s restoring love, we are touched, healed, and become a companion of God. Let us give thanks to God.   
