Prayers: World Food Sunday (Oct 20, 2013)

Opening Prayer 

God who is Life, the Point of our being,
the Ground for the whole creation,
You rise and rise again among us,
as the power of creation,
the power of salvation,
the power of wholeness.  
You heal us, nurture us, and foster sureness in our steps.
This morning as we worship you,
let us be persistent in our prayers,
with all that is in us,
all that we are hoping,

all that for which we are grateful.    Amen 

* Hymn: God Who Is Life  music by Ron Klusmeir, words by Shirley Erena Murray

Prayer of Confession:
O God, whose heart and ears are inclined to the cries of the hungry
            and the poor, 
we confess that we have not changed our attitude
and behaviours about throwing out food. 
We think food is cheap because we can simply buy more food
            when we want to. 
In our abundance, we overlook the fact that many children and
            youth go hungry and are major recipients of food banks
in our own country. 
God of Love, forgive our waste and insensitivity. 
Turn our hearts to the way of mindfulness and compassion, 
            help us to remember your own words, “Feed my lambs”. 
Keep us always aware of our opportunities to give to others 
even when we are shopping for ourselves. 
Give us eyes to see all the ways we can help our whole human
            family and the web of life.       Amen

Assurance of God’s Grace: Hallelujah, Amen! 


Good morning! Welcome to everyone gathered here today in the house of God.
Today is World Food Day, when we raise our awareness of the problem of hunger throughout the world and in our own country. As we worship today, let us remember that God has revealed God’s love fully in Christ Jesus, the Christ who came to us as bread, living bread to be broken and shared among us so that we may be reconciled with one another and with God, becoming one family in God’s love.
Let us welcome N as our guest preacher and storyteller for our children.

Call to Worship
We are deeply concerned for our friend, N. We have brought with us other concerns that deeply trouble us. Let us hear what today’s Scripture says to us: “Whether the time is favourable or unfavourable, be persistent in your praying and teaching. Always be awake, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully.” (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5) May the love of God and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit surround us, comfort us and gently lead us into the path of trust and hope.

Opening Prayer

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of God’s Grace
Hear what the Gospel says to us: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” May God forgive us our sins, Christ renew our lives, and the Holy Spirit enable us to grow in love. Amen.

Prayers of the People
Creator God, we pray at the crossroads of life and death, joy and sorrow, anxiety and hope.
You are the ground of our being, sustaining us with your energy and spirit.
Help us to center ourselves and be connected in your presence.
Lead us into the presence of the Holy Spirit and the path of joy and hope.
Let us know the sureness of your steadfast love for the world and for us, that we may trust your Word and your actions.
We pray for all the grieving families and friends in our midst and beyond. We hold up N, N, and their families and friends. Elevate them with your Spirit and  your comforting love. Be a light to guide them in the darkness around them; become a seed of joy in their hearts where hope can grow once again. Make a steady path for their feet as they walk through their journey of grief. As for the rest of us, grant us tender hearts, so that we become a circle of love and support for them, and for all those who mourn.
We also pray for N and N and their anxious families and friends. Let them receive the best medication and care; surround N with the warmth of loving spirits, lay your healing touch on his heart. Keep his body and spirit whole, let him be the inspiring, loving and caring person his family and friends know and love.
Creator God, thank you that you never let us be alone. You are a companion we can talk to, pray to, and walk with. We thank you for the life of Christ Jesus – who reconciled us and all of creation to Yourself. We thank you for your presence, gloriously and beautifully revealed in the beauty of creation; and for giving us the privilege of caring for it. Give us courage and persistence to work for justice, especially for those most affected by environmental degradation and climate change. Give us your Spirit to work together to restore your creation and to pass on a healthy environment and climate to our children and grandchildren. Jesus says to us, “Feed my lambs.” Turn our hearts to care for those who are most vulnerable among us; we  especially remember the children and youth whose lives are affected by the reality of hunger, throughout the world and in our local communities. Let us never give up praying for justice, fairness and an equitable society for all. Amen.
