Bruce is invited to come forward to face the congregation. Jamie, as the sponsor, introduces him and may provide brief information about him.
Statement of Purpose
The church is a community of people with varied gifts, united by the Holy Spirit.
We gather to celebrate God’s presence, to discern God’s truth, and to follow the way of Jesus.
By our baptism, we are made members of Christ’s church.
We exercise this membership
In the denomination to which we belong,
Which for us is The United Church of Canada,
And within the context of a local community of faith.
We are now to welcome into this congregation
Bruce, who is already a member of the church of Jesus Christ.
Jamie, as the sponsor of Bruce, presents him with the following words:
On behalf of the Chemainus United Church congregation,
I present the Bruce Oliphant
Whom we welcome into the membership of this community of faith:
Chemainus United Church.
Commitment of New Member
Bruce, you have been a part of our community for a long time,
and we all love you with God’s love.
You belong to us, and we belong to you, just as we belong to Christ together.
Will you continue to be a part of this wonderful circle of faith in Christ as we are,
And affirm it by becoming a member of the Chemainus congregation;
As together we celebrate God’s presence,
Live with respect in creation,
Love and serve others,
Seek justice and resist evil?
I will, with God’s grace.
Congregational Commitment
Dear friends in Christ,
Let us pledge to Bruce Oliphant and to each other our support and care.
Many gifts, one Spirit.
Many song, one voice.
Many reasons, one promise.
Many questions, one choice.
Help us learn to love each other
Help us to love
Show us ways to understand
Help us understand
We are members of one family
We are one family
Growing strong by joining hands
Growing stronger
O God, we pray for unity, give guidance from above.
In our differences unite us in a circle of your love.
Take our many ways of working; blend the colors of each soul
Into the beauty of a rainbow,
Give us life God, make us one. Amen.
The family of Bruce and everyone who would like to accept him into our midst by giving your warmest blessings and hugs, please come forward. (Laying of hands on him and each other.)
In the name of Jesus Christ,
We welcome you to the joy and responsibility of membership in this congregation.
We give thanks to God for your blessed witness among us and this blessed story we are now weaving together as one. 
(The following words of prayers are inspired by Rev. Brent Hawkes at MCC Toronto)
God, we offer you these gifts from the abundance we have been given, for your work, in this community and from this community. Your love frees us to be generous with each other and inspire us to action, building bridges in this place and from this place, toward a world hungry for hope, for justice and for peace. So we commission these gifts to your service in the world. Amen.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in one of his famous writings, until everyone is welcome at the table, our job is not done. Until everyone knows that they have a place and a voice at the table, our job is not done. And so, this morning we want to assure you that at this table you have a place; you are not required to be a member of this church or any church to receive these gifts. You can receive the elements and the blessing, or if you want to receive a blessing, but not receive the elements, just do this (gesture) so that the servers can give you a blessing, if that would be your preference. But please know that you are welcome. You have a place at this table.
God is with you…And also with you
It is right and good and joyful always and everywhere to give you thanks to you, Loving God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, therefore we praise you, joining our voices with all the company in Heaven, whoever proclaim and sing and praise the glory of your name,
Holy Holy Holy One / Santo Santo, Santo
My heart, my heart adores you.
My heart knows how to say to you, Holy are you God.
On the night you were betrayed, you took the bread and after giving thanks, you broke it and said
This is my body broken for you, and as you do this, remember me. (X2)
On the night you were betrayed, you held the cup. After giving thanks you lifted it up
This is my life poured out for you, and as you do this, remember me. (X2)
So we thank you for the cup and for the bread, for we receive the love you gave and the life you led,
And we remember your wondrous love, you gave your body. You showed your love. (X2)
Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith:
Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again.
This is the gift of God. And we are the people of God. All are welcome to receive.
May we open to the possibilities before us as congregation.
May we open to the new days as we give thanks for today.
And as we go from this place, go knowing that God’s blessings go before you, God’s face will shine upon you and be gracious upon you, and God will grant you peace.
In your going out and coming in, in your lying down and in your rising up, in your labours, in your leisure, in your laughter and in your tears, until that day in which there is no dawning, no sunset, no death, no disease, go rejoicing that God loves you. Amen.
I learned and laughed by learning it, that making friends is hard in the pews, but easy to do over a cup of coffee. Friendship and socializing is an integral part of any faith community. Don’t miss the opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones over refreshments – sandwiches and tea and coffee, served downstairs.
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