Children’s Time
Good morning, friends.
Isn’t it wonderful that
we sometimes do very special things together at worship, like parading and
waving palm leaves and branches?
When I was young, I
remember I wondered why we had to use palm branches? In Korea, palm trees don’t
grow naturally. I have never seen real palm trees in my neighbourhood, or in
any place I have visited in Korea.
Why wouldn’t we wave,
for example, forsythia branches, cherry blossoms, things like that, to welcome

Forsythias are
everywhere in Korea at this time of the year.
Here in Vancouver
Island, it is also not common to see palm trees grow, but we do have one, don’t
Can you guess where?
We have one at our
church - a wonderful one.
But have you wondered
why we began our worship with waving palm branches today?
Our Bible story tells us
that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the largest and most important city in
Israel, many people living there, young and old, rushed to see Him.
They had heard that a man
with a great message – that God is love and God loves all – would come to the
Many people in Jerusalem
liked Jesus and wanted to welcome Jesus with enthusiasm and hearty cheers,
shouting - Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! – and they chose to wave palm
branches because the palm trees were everywhere in their city… so common, yet
its green leaves symbolize that new life will begin with the person Jesus.
So, though we waved palm branches today, to celebrate today’s sacred story, imagine with me if Jesus came to us today, to the town of Chemainus, what do you think you would find around you to wave to show your most hearty welcome to Jesus? (Receive answers.)
Those are all great
I wonder if some of
us,(myself, for sure) would hurry to bring cameras, smart phones, or iPads, to
take a picture of him, and shout to Jesus,
““Cheese!” or “Kimchi!” Jesus! It’s so great to see you today! Take courage and
teach us how to live out the way of God, the love of God, in every aspect of
our lives!” Amen.
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