Opening Prayer, Rudy Ramchandar, (Intercultural Worship, Jan 18, 2015)


Eternal, Gracious and Everloving God,

You created the universe and all things inanimate as well as animate... and then you created human beings in your own image... and breathed life into our first ancestors that they might become alive... and you saw that all your creation was good. And when you placed them in the garden... you decreed they should avoid certain fruit, but they should love each other, unconditionally, comfort each other and be stewards of your creation... and that all Creation worship you and you would be pleased. 

But our ancestors strayed from the chosen path (as we too do from time to time); and when they fell from grace, you came to the Earth in the person of Jesus to show us the proper Way to live. Through this same Jesus you redeemed us that we might re-enter the fold through grace. 

And so, we pray now that you come and dwell with us this morning, for as Jesus said, in Matt 18:20, "[For] where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I am there among them."  Lord, let your Holy Spirit descend on us and be in our midst now as we worship You ... and as we endeavour to love one other according to your plan - we who come from a vast array of backgrounds, with differences such as external appearances, age, gender & sexual orientations, social standing, culture and religious beliefs... but, nonetheless, all are Your children. With your Spirit moving among us, the impossible becomes possible, and the possible becomes probable, and the probable becomes reality... and, miraculously, the living conditions of all could be made better.

Lord God, We praise You, we worship you and glorify your name. These prayers we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Photo credit: Bruce Bullied
