Note - "Participatory Spiritual Formation", presented by Anthony Bailey at Epiphany Exploration, 2015
Bailey at Epiphany Exploration,
Victoria, in 2015
Spiritual Formation”
‘PARTICIPATORY’: characterized by or involving participation; providing
the opportunity for people to be involved in deciding how something is done.
Ø Examples: participatory events for
charity. Participatory awareness-raising for ALS (Ice Bucket Challenge)
Ø Our society is moving into
participatory mode of engagement
Ø Traditional organized church is
increasingly seen as non-participatory, out of touch, ‘nothing to offer’ on its
way out
Discernment of the times; “A call to seek out, to intuit and to investigate the
most deeply motivating.” “Spirit of the age” beneath all
the externalities.
Participatory dialogue: “An
increasing number of spiritually-minded people are currently busy with their
own lived inquiry, and are seeking open and constructive dialogue about it. I
call this social phenomenon, with which I closely identify, a newly emerging
and participatory spiritual culture. It involves a growing and significant
minority of people across the planet.”
“How the
understanding of the divine is constructed. How the Divine is perceived.”
“The world
as I experience it is co-created by persons in participative relation with what
there is; what there is manifests as “presence in communion with other
presence, in a great field of mutual participation.”
I define
the divine, initially, as the experiential relation of mutual participation and
co-creation between presences.” “Just by being together.”
“Some of
these tend to be grouped upon the rubric of intentional Christian communities: emerging communities; new monastic
communities, and the like
Example: “Fringes
of the Empire” “Fruits of the Spirit as the commandments” ~ Shane Claiborne
The composition of the intentional communities/mostly
Whites, lacking racial and ethnic diversity. Why are there disconnections?
Got me thinking
about … barriers to participatory
spiritual formation … one in particular
“Among the young people there was certain
rejection of individualism. There was calling together for the rejection of
myth of self-sufficiency – lexicon of ‘separating’ ourselves from others.
“One of my interests is addressing and
challenging vernacular and the lexicon we use to separate ourselves from
others. It’s the lexicon of privilege and illusion.
“Dutch Reformed Church was the architect to
justify the apartheid. It was not the governments. Something birthed by the
We talk that God is
doing something new but what is something new?
Peter Rollins said that “elephant that sits in the
room of our heart, our churches, our nation, our world”. Anybody who have a
guess what the elephant is? It’s racism.
The Apartheid in South
Africa: That doesn’t have anything to do with us?
Ø “The Maclean: Winnipeg is the most racist
city in Canada. It has to do with systemic racism which policy and the
architecture of life is manipulated and orchestrated for some.
Ø “Racism is rampant, here. (Anthony
Bailey’s personal experiences of racism)
Ø “Race is a social construct. It did
not exist before enlightenment as a concept. It was manufactured and created
for the purpose
of justification of the colonizing of the world: those were going to be colonized and those
were going to practice colonization. (Example: Immanuel Kant)
Ø “Inclusive” is a popular notion
these days. We prize that we are celebrating and the use of the language and
the time (wonderful thing) depending on your social location. We use the word:
inclusive. Isn’t that popular word in the mainline, progressive churches.
It may look generous and
noble, but one always has to ask who is doing the including?
Ø There is the point of ‘normativity’ to the others to be invited. Our understanding of inclusiveness is ‘come and join
us’. So our imagination is still entangled with modern imagination of racial reasonings. This
still understands privileges as a point of departure to the other people. We generously offer you a part of
the pie. We will include you. But guess what, God is the one who includes us. No
one group of people.
Ø “This applies both systemically and
culturally. It is the flip side of racism and racial discrimination.
Ø “Redeeming race-privilege theology:
Carter contends that Western Christianity has created a white-race religion
that espouses a racialized theology. Christian theology by reconceptualizing a
new theological discourse for the twenty-first century, one that is centered
not on a racial imaginations but rather on the identity of
the covenanted Jewish fleshly Messiah, Jesus Christ. He argues for a theology
of the nations.
“I wonder how much we Christians
in the Global North and West have forgotten
v Justin Martyr-Theologian (100-165
We who once took most pleasure in accumulating wealth
and property now share with everyone in need; we who hated and killed one
another would not associate with those of different tribes because of their
different customs, now since the coming of Christ, live familiarly with them
and pray for our enemies. (Acts 2:45, Luke 4, Matthew 5:44)
v Tertulilian – Theologian (155-220 C.E.)
Our care for the dialectic and our active love
have become our distinct sign before the enemy – see they say, how they love
one another and how really they are to die for each other (Jn 13:35, Jn 15:13)
Ø “The transformation of the animosity
between tribes and between peoples was subverted by Christ. The people were
used to fight and kill. How were they ready to die for them? Where did they get
from? If we were puzzled and confused about how the church lived, …
do we construct organization of the church our own infused generation
orchestration and imagination the inherited problem of racial imaginations
orchestration of power,
hegemony and control. We do all in the cauldron of
the inherited problems of racial imaginations
What should be our priorities?
2 Corinthians
From now on,
therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once
knew Christ from a human point of view, we know Christ no longer in that way.
So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed
away; see, everything has become new! If all this is from God, who reconciled
us to God’s self through Christ, and has given us the ministry of
reconciliation; that is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to God’s
self, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of
reconciliation to us.
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