Theme Conversation: The Power of Care (with the science demonstration: The Egg Drop)

Theme Conversation: CARE
You might wonder why I’m beginning our Theme Conversation by pulling along this mother duck who’s carrying her egg.  If we help the mother duck carry her egg with care, see, it’s just beautiful; the Mother duck is happy. The egg is happy.
Some of us who participated in VBS last summer would know what ‘Action Word’ we learned with the science activity Drop Egg. Of course, this mother duck will never drop her egg, as long as I lead her with care.
Yes! CARE!
I’m going to show you The Power of Care!
Fill a large plastic drinking glass about three quarters full with water.
Center a pie pan on top of the glass.
Place the toilet paper roll on the pie pan.
With care, set the egg on top of the tube!

“I’m going to have to act with CARE so that, hopefully, eggs and water don’t go everywhere!”
Look! What has just happened?
Has the egg been safely dropped right in the water? With CARE, everyone is safe, happy, included.
Today, we start our children’s church with excitement and SWEETS! Are you excited knowing that you’ll get be able to build your own sundae with the sprinkles of your choice? Our Fellowship Committee made sure that you will have some cool toppings to choose from! That will be really tasty & colourful!
Today, we also learn that we build our community together, with our friends and families and other adults, as we are called to serve one another with love and CARE!
As the body of Jesus, we learn to care for one another as Jesus loves every single one of us equally and with great love. With Jesus, everyone is important; no one is considered more important than anybody else. In today’s Gospel story, Jesus welcomes a very young child, just like you, and lets the child sit on his lap, and says, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” You know, that was a revolutionary statement in Jesus’ day. 2000 years ago, children were totally powerless - adults never really listened to kids  - they were treated as being unimportant. One source says children were referred to as “it” rather than as ‘he’ or ‘she’. What the children thought or wanted mattered to no one, not even their own parents. However, Jesus says, welcoming such a young child with all their questions and their fresh view of our world is just like welcoming Jesus himself.
As we learn Jesus’ message, let’s give a warm welcome to our youngest members of the Children’s Church. Today, we welcome BB, JG, TP. Let’s all say together, “Welcome, B, Welcome J, Welcome T in Jesus’ name!” (Handing out a lamb to B, T, J)
