Sermon: Loves in Need of Love Today (Matthew 21:23-32), Sept 27th, 2020

Reflection: Love's in Need of Love Today                       

Scripture: Matthew 21:23-32

Good morn or evening friends

Here's your friendly announcer

I have serious news to pass on to everybody

What I'm about to say

Could mean the world's disaster

Could change your joy and laughter to tears and pain

It's that Love's in need of love today

Don't delay Send yours in right away

Hate's goin' round

Breaking many hearts

Stop it please

Before it's gone too far

The force of evil plans

To make you its possession

And it will if we let it

Destroy everybody

We all must take Precautionary measures

If love and peace you treasure

Then you'll hear me when I say

Oh that Love's in need of love today

love's in need of love today

Don't delay don't delay

Send yours in right away

It's up to you cause

Love's in need of love today

love's in need of love today

Don't delay don't de-lay

Send yours in right away

It’s Stevie Wonder’s Love’s in Need of Love Today. In the song, he sings, “What I’m about to say could mean the world’s disaster, could change your joy and laughter to tears and pain. It’s that Love’s in need of love today. Don’t delay; Send your love in right away. We all must take precautionary measures. If love and peace you treasure then you’ll hear me when I say.” I find a good parallel in Love’s in Need of Love Today with the Jesus’ parable of two sons. Jesus asks, “Which of the two sons did the will of his father?” When asked to go and work in the vineyard ‘today’, the first son answered, “I will not”; but later he changed his mind and went. The second son answered, “I go, sir”; but he did not go.

Before starting to write this reflection, I received this week’s Sunday School package from our Faith Formation Elders, (By the way – and this is actually really good news “to pass on to everybody” that we are in need of volunteers to deliver Sunday School packages to children in our midst. We hope to deliver a Sunday Sheet (art sheet) and an Activity Sheet to 12 children in 4 families. Danika will print her own.) and I looked at the questions in the Activity Sheet Ann and Fjola prepared with a lot of care, love and dedication for our children. I am so fortunate that I work with such wonderful Elders who care about young people. The Elders ask the children, “What if the son who said ‘yes’ but didn’t work had a good reason for not working? What would be a good reason not to do something he said he would do?” Good questions continue. “What would happen if everyone said ‘yes, I will help’ and then nobody helped?” “Have you ever told someone who asked you to help that you didn’t feel like doing what they asked you to do and then changed your mind and found a way to help? How did you feel about saying ‘No’? What made you change your mind? How did you feel about helping after you had said ‘No’?

Now, this is my humble question: “If it is today and the present time, what is God asking you to do, and you are saying no? Even if you have said no, will you change your mind and heart, and do it? It is today and the present time, and you already have heard and known what God is asking you to do, and you have already given the answer yes. However, you haven’t actually put your intention, words and thoughts into action and changed your behaviour. What is God asking you to do?”

I imagine it is God who sings, especially the songs like Stevie Wonder’s, which tells us, “Loves are in need of love, today. Don’t delay. Send your love in right away.”

Just one hour before I wrote this reflection, I began to read peoples’ posts on Facebook such as “Praying for our Black daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, for Black girls, women, transwomen, femme, and female-identifying. For Breonna’s family and loved ones. That the justice system isn’t broken – It was built this way.” (The picture: Completed mural of Breonna Taylor at Chambers Park, Annapolis, MD. Image courtesy of Street Arts Films.) I also read a post a Black colleague in the United Church posted, “I’m wondering what you’d all do if I was Breonna… Whatever it is, do that!” Last Wednesday, a grand jury indicted one of the Louisville police officers for shooting into the apartment – with the charges of crime. But not for killing her. None of the officers were found guilty in Taylor’s death. Actors, athletes, musicians and other celebrities (including Stevie Wonder) have been using their platforms calling for justice for Breonna Taylor, the Black woman shot to death by police during a botched drug raid in Kentucky. They called Black Lives Matter, joined with voices from all over, from grassroots, from ordinary citizens and children, calling for justice, calling for love. They were not heard on the ruling in Breonna Taylor’s death.

Loves are in need of love today. What is God asking us, you and me, those who are traumatized by systemic racism and those who express solidarity with them, to do in order to uproot the deep cause of hate and despair into the right way of expressing anger and love? Have you said yes? Have you said no? Are you the first son? Or Are you the second?

The second son in today’s story who answered, “I will go, sir”, but did not go, may have been just delaying his yes (action) until tomorrow, when his father asked him to go and work in the vineyard today. This week, my husband and I went shopping together. We had a very nice French press coffee/tea maker in mind, hoping to advance our life style with some flavour and convenience. Even though I had important tasks to do – writing this sermon and joining a United Church zoom meeting on anti-racism work right after -- even though I had a fairly busy schedule this week, I never delayed going to the mall and getting the ordered French press. I asked my husband, “Why do we delay certain things, even if they are important, while we might never delay other things believing they are urgent?” We engaged in a reflection together: perhaps ‘material desire’ is always easier and so much more attractive, and therefore, often takes precedence. Also, the things we believe we can fix and know the solutions, and the solutions are what we can identify as A or B, in a clear straight process, we go for it. However, for the solutions that require more complicated, collaborative reflections, asking uncomfortable questions and diving in to the life-long process, we tend to delay engaging and putting them into action. Getting what we want gives us an illusion of power, while expressing our love to someone means allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.

Just as our Elders asked the children to ponder, “What if the son who said yes but didn’t work had a good reason for not working? What would be a good reason not to do something they said they would do?” my understanding is that everyone has different talents, experiences and paces of learning and reflecting. Certain paths that lean towards love, healing and reconciliation take a life-time. Like the first son, some of us may say no at first and then gradually move towards engaging love and justice. Like the second son, some of us may say yes, first, then, need more time for integration by directly and indirectly witnessing other’s experiences of pain, trauma, despair and grief. One of my friends said after he carefully engaged with the questions from our Elders, “I was reminded that I planned to call my Dad.” His aged dad, who had been estranged from his family since he was very young, was recently admitted to hospital for heart and kidney failures and almost died but recovered. My friend added, “But I am still delaying calling him. Certain things are deep.”

There may be many circumstances and tasks in which we have said yes but still haven’t gone to work – sending love --. Lately I read that a new clock was erected in New York. It is a Climate Clock which counts down the days we have left to deal with the climate crisis. The Climate Clock displays a deadline of sorts: the years, days, hours, minutes and seconds left to curb greenhouse gas emissions in order to give the Earth a two-thirds chance of staying below 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, compared with pre-industrial times. This is the goal of the International Paris Climate Agreement – a level of warming which scientists say if we exceed, the impacts will become increasingly more disastrous. The loves that are in need of love, urgently, deeply, are often the ones which and who have been silenced and oppressed at the bottom of the pyramid of power. In Greek philosophy, which influences Western academics and politics, at the high top of the pyramid is God, then, Greek free men, followed by Greek free women, then Greek children, then, slave men, slave women, slave children. Under the humans come animals, under animals, plants, under plants, minerals, and so on. It is the hierarchy of beings, also known as the ladder of existence. This is how the world politics, economics, theology and colonialism have organized the world; The higher beings are at the top, the lower beings are at the bottom, and the Earth is the material that has been ranked in the lowest bottom, under everything. The Earth is in need of love, today. We are in this, and our life and our next generation’s tomorrows are in this.

Loves that are in need of love, urgently, deeply, intensely are the cries at the bottom of the ladder of existence. We need to call ourselves and encourage one another. We may delay sending love for various reasons, but let us hear first the announcements from God: The world’s disaster, the world’s tears and pain. The world’s joy and laughter. The calling of the heavenly father and mother is not for us to save and fix. Rather it is for us to hear the world, neighbours, family and friends, the Earth and the oceans, and ourselves, to do our part. Yes, in action, Yes in action, and yes, in action. Loves are in need of love today. Don’t delay. Send your love in right away. To do the will of the Creator, because we have each other, We are not alone.

Reflective music: Loves in Need of Love Today – Cover by Dawn Pemberton

Hymn: MV 26 Your Love Is Amazing (Hallelujah)

10,000 Reasons                                          Please watch from 9:44

Thank you, Golden Ears United Church, BC, for sharing amazing music! 
